Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Approaching Tomorrow

I'm not expecting to get a lot of sleep tonight, as tomorrow is the day we take this whole show on over to Children's Hospital for an extended day of tests and waiting. Throughout the course of this pregnancy, we've yet to have an ultrasound that didn't reveal a startling surprise ("you're having twins but they're fraternal and each has their own placenta. Congrats!"; "You're having twins but they're identical and they share a placenta! Good luck!"; "We're concerned about Baby A...he has CCAM. Um. Sorry.")

So you'll forgive me for approaching tomorrow with a touch of trepidation. We'll be enjoying an MRI, a fetal EKG, genetic counseling, in-depth ultrasounds, and finally a diagnosis and consultation with our new team of specialists. I'm taking comfort in the fact that we'll be in the best possible hands for our situation. Of course, I am hoping for some kind of good news; if not "we think it's going to clear up on its own" then at least "we are confident that this can be treated and the baby will be fine."

Tonight I'll just try to have a clear head and not twist my mind into a spiral of worry. Like the man said: tomorrow never knows.

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